Latest News – September 2023

There has been considerable publicity in the media about access to GP. surgeries and how it is ‘impossible to get an appointment to see a GP’. 

During July 71 Tisbury patients failed to attend their appointments with clinicians at Tisbury Surgery.  This wasted 16 hours of clinician time and will have affected the ability of other patients to see clinicians.  We are doing our best to improve access, but it just as important that patients let us know when they are unable to keep their appointment so that other patients may be seen.  Please let us know if you are unable to keep your appointment. 

I should also like to ask the (fortunately) very few patients who are rude to our receptionists to consider their behaviour.  We are incredibly lucky with our reception team who work hard on behalf of all our patients to deliver the best possible service in often very trying circumstances. 

Also, a reminder that Wiltshire Council is running the a digital course for older and vulnerable adults in South West Wiltshire with sessions running at the Nadder Centre on Wednesdays from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm on 20th, 27th September and 4th, 11th and 18th October.  The sessions can be booked by contacting Karen Linaker at Wiltshire Council on 01722 434697. 

We are busy fine-tuning plans for our autumn flu clinics – during which we will also be offering those patients who are eligible a covid vaccination.   Our ability to offer the latter is inevitably dependent upon supply from a central source – over which we have little control (unlike our flu supplies where we order directly from the manufacturer). 

Both vaccines may safely be delivered at the same time, but we will not be offering shingles or pneumococcal vaccinations at flu/covid clinics.  If you are eligible for these preventative vaccinations, we will contact you after the flu/covid clinics have been completed. 
Please be aware that the process will inevitably take longer as there will be screening questions which must be answered before the covid vaccination can be given as well as a higher administrative burden on the computer inputters.    

Please be respectful to the many Surgery staff who will be giving up their time to work extra shifts to deliver these vaccination programmes. 

Please walk to the surgery if you can, to try to avoid congestion in the car park.  

Also, the diabetic eye screening service which has held clinics over many years in the surgery has advised that a room has been secured at Westminster Hospital in Shaftesbury.  We have been assured that invitations to attend retinal screening will clearly show this as the venue.  

Dr Adam Smith